
 About Business Email

Give your business a professional makeover with's amazing about...

 About Enterprise Email

A Unified InboxSync your Social Feeds, Tasks, and multiple Email Accounts to bring all your...

 Adding Email Accounts to your Business Email Order

You may add Email Accounts to your Business Email Order, from within your Control Panel.   To...

 Configure Your Desktop Email Client To Send and Receive Email

Our Business/Enterprise mails can be configured on various email clients such as Outlook, Outlook...

 Configure Your Email Address On Your Mobile Device

OVERVIEW: The following article will guide you through configuring your email on an Android...

 Deleting Email Accounts from your Business Email Order

You may delete Email Accounts from your Business Email Order, from within your Control Panel....

 FAQs about Business Email

Q. How will purchasing Business Email benefit me? As opposed to free email solutions, you can...

 FAQs about Enterprise Email

Q. How will purchasing Enterprise Email benefit me? By purchasing an Enterprise Email package...

 Getting Started

Now that you have purchased Email Hosting for your domain, see the steps to be performed to...

 How do I import Emails to my Business or Enterprise Email Package

You can import mails from another client to your email hosting accounts. To do this you can use...

 How to configure Plesk mail

If you would like to configure Plesk mail in a different device or mail client, please check the...

 Login To Your Webmail Interface

In order to login to your webmail account and access your email, you must go to a URL of the form...

 Using the Business Email Service

Once you have purchased the Business Email Service from Tswanadomains, you need to take the...